The 5 Most Common Mistakes Made by Web Design Company
Long gone are the days when web design company made their own websites from scratch. Now, most companies don’t have the time or resources to hire someone with full-time expertise in website design and development, so they outsource it to professionals with experience in the field. However, not all web design companies are created equal, and mistakes can easily be made that turn off potential customers and cause them to go elsewhere for their software needs. Here are five common mistakes made by web design companies that you should avoid at all costs if you want your site to be successful and profitable. The more complex your system is and/or more variables there are involved in a process, things get increasingly difficult for people to navigate. Start simple, set clear expectations (through documentation), and make sure you build out a feedback loop to make changes when needed. If you don’t have systems in place from day one of your startup (and even before), you’re likely to ru...